Deep Creek Hot Springs


That’s a short, brief, concise, and accurate way to describe the Deep Creek Hot Springs experience.  My adventurous, albeit slightly reluctant at the thought of a long hot hike, wife and I made the drive to the DCHS in September of 2014. Neither of us had been there before and we wanted to celebrate our first “kid free” day in months with some alone time. So I figured what better way to have fun that to get in a hike and soak while clothes free!

During the planning for our trip I told her I was going natural right from the parking lot. She didn’t seem exactly thrilled about this. When we arrived to Bowen Ranch we were greeted by The Man and he gave us a quick pep talk and handed over a map which he made notes on. It was 82 degrees F with no wind! Not scorching but hot enough to make you sweat a bit. We parked and exiting the car my wife says, “Do we get naked right here?” I was stoked!! She was ready for the hike! I said let’s keep our clothes on for a bit. We headed to the south area of the lot and got through the fence opening that defines the ranch border and the trailhead. We stopped there and got into natural mode. We each brought a backpack to carry our clothes and supplies. My wife needed some sun screen so we got her set up and started hiking. We had a great time heading down to the hot springs. The feeling of hiking naturally is truly an experience that you must try. The feeling of warm air, bright sun, and lack of clothing on your body, that just bunches up and chafes your tender areas, is how I wish I could hike everywhere.

We came across two women that were very interested in our lack of attire. One said we were badass! I mentioned that it was the only way to hike, free your body, free your mind, etc. Another textile couple caught up to us and we let them pass. They were pleasant and said hi. The woman was a bit giggly which is fine. Its not everyday you come across naked people in a public space. We continued on down the trail and marveled at the DCHS vistas and made it to the hot springs in about 45 minutes. Upon arriving we found some friendly fellow naturists that were enjoying the sun. The crowd was about 70%/30% towards men. About half were nude.

We checked out the pools and had lunch next to the water on a sandy beach. There were a few tents and campers there which is not allowed. Trash wasn’t as bad as I read it would be but it was still evident. I packed out more than I brought in. My wife was clearly enjoying the day and we ate lunch and swam around the creek and tried the well-constructed, hand-made pools. Several were very hot and were too much for me. Eventually we found a pool with a good temperature we could enjoy and we sat in the pool and talked about the amazing views and the great vibe of the DCHS. The two women we met on the trail were now topless and they were very friendly. We chatted for a while and I enjoyed enlightening them about social nudity. This was their first trip to the hot springs too. After heating up it was a nice feeling to jump in the creek to cool down. Here’s a photo of me floating in the creek. The water was clear and refreshing!


After about 4 hours of amazingness we had to pack up and head out. To get out of the DCHS area you simply reverse your route and hike on out. Leaving the pools you have to wade across the creek to get back to the trail. Here’s my wife crossing the water heading towards the trail.


The hike up was hot! However, I made it a point to tell my wife that your body can cool and comfort itself just fine without all of the latest moisture-wicking techno clothing. We came across a few textiles hiking down and got offered a beer! I had to pass but it was a nice gesture. We took a bunch of photos throughout the day and thoroughly enjoyed the hours of nudity. I am truly lucky to have a wife that has made the social nudity leap with me and fully embraced the naturist lifestyle. We’ll be heading back to the hot springs as soon as possible. I highly recommend a visit. Below is a list of items I would recommend, at a minimum, that you bring to the DCHS so you can enjoy the day without problems.

  • Backpack
  • Water – as much as you can comfortably carry or a water filtration system.
  • Food – hiking burns calories so bring snacks and your favorite foods that won’t spoil in the heat.
  • First aid kit
  • Towel or blanket
  • A trash bag for hauling out your trash and the trash of others.

(Note: this recap was posted on and I took the liberty of editing that post with 20/20 hindsight which is always the best!)

Stay Naked!

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